Want to Save Money not only at the time of purchase but during the life of the System?
Designed to be cost effective to buy and run.
The pumps on these systems are the Artesian2 Low RPM units which are world renowned for being not only reliable(3 year warranty) but
use a Mizerly amount of energy---440 watts!
System includes the follwing: AlphaONE or AquaBead 2.50 Filter, 1/3 HP Artesian2 pump, ZapTek2 40 Watt UV and 2 HP Media Agitator all Preplumbed on a Black
pad measuring 36" side to side x 48" front to back.
Also includes 1 2" swing check valve to be placed between Pond and Pump to always assure you never lose prime.
All connections are 2" unions for easy assembly and disassembly