Grand Champion Technologies - Advanced Engineering for your Grand Champions!

We invite you to take a little time to compare 幸运168飞艇精准人工计划 幸运飞行艇开奖历史查询 168飞艇官网开奖结果下载 GC Tek upper end pond filtration products with other filtration products on the market.

You will find, for instance, that the 168飞艇开奖官网开奖直播 幸运168飞艇官网开奖网址app GC Tek Filters do not offer nor need any options. We have included, as standard equipment, items such as our media agitators which most other manufacturers consider as a costly option.

Why? Because we want to offer the most efficient filter, priced as sensibly, as we possibly can. We want you to get a filter that will serve your needs and is hassle and worry free.

That's why the 2024年新版飞艇官方开奖直播|2024幸运飞行艇官网开奖结果|幸运飞开艇官网开奖历史记录 GC Tek Filters are known as the LifeTime Warranty Filters. We were the first to offer a Lifetime Warranty on every filter we manufacture. We know the quality that goes into every filtration product the we produce and that's why we invite you to compare quality, features and price. We know you'll choose GC Tek Filters every time.

Be sure and take the time to check out our other high quality products for your pond. Our line of WunderFlo Pumps represent the leading edge in high efficiency, high flow pumps designed for koi ponds and water features. Designed to move lots of water for very little energy cost.

The Zapp Pure UV line has set the industry standard for high quality, high efficiency, high intensity UV. No plastic on these units only highest quality 316 stainless like that found on the ThermaKoi heating units. The easiest heaters in the industry to use. One of our best kept secrets is our media so be sure and check out the BioGems Media that is standard in all AquaBead Filters and our brand new AlphaBioONE media in the AlphaONE filter, in a class by itself.

While checking out our products be sure and check out our easy to use complete systems, the AquaBead/AlphaONE PLUS System and the like no other Mashimizu PURE WATER System and the complete system made for our Water Gardener friends, the PondKeeper System. These systems are complete with Prefiltration, Pumps, Filters and UV's on one system ready to go.

At Grand Champion Technologies we are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality products for your pond at the lowest cost backed up by the best warranties in the business.

You have made us the fastest growing, upper end pond products manufacturer in the business. I personally want our customers happy with their products that we produce, if for any reason you are not happy, feel free to call me on my personal number at 405-409-0007. I want to know about it. You are our future. It is our privilege to serve you.

Thank you,
Gary Cryer

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