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AlphaONE 1.75 WattMizer PLUS System- 2500 Gallon

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Ships By: Description Price
AlphaONE 1.75 WattMizer PLUS System AlphaONE 1.75 WattMizer PLUS System $4,768.95 AlphaONE 1.75 WattMizer PLUS System

The AlphaONE 1.75 WattMizer PLUS System includes all of the following for ponds up to 2500 gallons:

  • AlphaONE 1.75 Filter
  • Energy efficient Artesian2 1/4 HP Pump
  • ZapPRO UV 
  • PLUS System PrePlumbing Package that includes all plumbing, pipework, unions at all connections with all weather pad(s) ready to set up and enjoy.....4484.95
  • Note: Picture shown with optional AquaSieve2 Prefilter. Add the AquaSieve2 for 549.95

There's no need to do the hard work, we've already done it for you. If you need help deciding which system is right for you check with one of our knowledgable dealers or give us a call and we'll be glad to assist you.

Add the ElekTrik Pole to any system 549.95